The Struggles with Google Analytics

I’ve been studying for the Google Analytics test recently and I hate to admit that I’m struggling. One thing I’m struggling with is finding the time to complete the study videos.  I took the test blind my first time. Meaning, I didn't study or look over any information before taking the test. I got a 67% Which I was pretty proud of considering I hadn’t seen any of the information. Maybe I was just a good guesser because after I watched the first three lessons, I thought I was ready to take it again. I mean I got a 67% without even studying, I could get 13 more points after studying a little right? - Wrong. I took the test, kind of in a rush to be fair, and got a 67%… again…

It was disheartening going at it again and not improving, but hey, I didn’t get worse, so that’s good! I have now finished watching all of the analytics for beginners videos, but I’m nervous to take the test. I think I want to go through all the information one more time before I commit to taking the test again, because this time… I’m going to pass and become Google Analytics Certified! Then I’ll move on to Google Ad Words! Keep up with me and my certification journey, here on my blog!


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