How to Market Your Event

So, you’ve decided to host some type of event. You’ve read all about how to host a successful event, and now you want more details on how to market your event to make sure it is a success!

Well, you’ve come to the right place! Sometimes you can get so caught up in planning your event, that you forget about how you’re going to market the event to reach your target audience and then your event is a flop.

Market your event where your audience is. If you’re hosting an online seminar, you’ll want to advertise online! Create landing pages and blog posts on the information you’ll be sharing and send emails to interested parties and advertise on sites that your audience will visit regularly. Social media is also a perfect, and cheap, way to inform your audience of an upcoming event.

Similarly, if you're hosting a company picnic, you’ll want to advertise to the correct audience, your employees, and their families. This event will be easier to market because you already have contact information for your target audience. You can send an email, post flyers around the office and even mail an invitation to their homes. Social media won't be the best tool to promote this event, but you could utilize a picture from the event to post to social media!

Here is a list of some ideas to market your event:
  • Social media
  • Blog posts
  • E-vites
  • Invites
  • Flyers
  • Radio ads
  • Magazine
  • Similar events
  • Schools
  • TV
  • Trade magazines
  • Trade shows
  • Billboards
  • Events page
  • Event sites

Again, tailoring your marketing plan to your audience is the key factor as many options won’t be right for your event. If you have any questions about planning a specific event, comment below!


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